Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ridin' Solo...

Recent unprecedented events led to popping a swelled ego and now nursing a lost spirit is not good news at all but still I content myself from hearing from loved ones endless show of support and dedication... I guess in the battlefield of life when survival seems to be the only detrimental goal, the mere thought that some people still have your back is comforting if not helpful to still remind you that your helplessness and self pity can still find cure...

No man is an island and no man can find his path without the help of people who still care about his messed up existence despite their busy schedules and their personal struggles. It’s so good to feel a sense of belongingness from people who matters to me the most... 

Thank you for all the people who reminded me that I may be riding out solo, but I will never be alone nor lonely in this life’s journey!

Problems, problems, problems…

That is all I am now, well at least according to the one person very dear to me.
I can’t blame him for thinking about it really because when we talk I always share my endless struggles, my unforeseen challenges, my inner pains, my damn regrets, my pitiful frustrations that he has conjured in his mind that all of which are problems I need to face and overcome in this short lifetime and could not even come up with solutions to take all the confusion away.
But I honestly think I’m one lost soul waiting, insistently, for something, someone or some higher being to take it all and lead me to my path, which I don’t even know or understand.
I don’t see any light and not even a tunnel to go through and take a path and I think I’m lost.
I feel lifeless---like everything is still and all I see are the visions of life in front of me moving while I’m standing perfectly still. I see my family drifting, my friends scurrying over their busy individual lives while mine seems to have paused, if not truly stopped.
Funny, I don’t even feel bored nor even feel anything at all being on this state of mind. It’s just a void feeling of comfort and sanctuary but I’m scared that I’d prefer to stay this way.
Because then by standing perfectly still I realized how safe, how comfortable stillness could be.
There are no risks, no unnecessary movements, no obstacle that has to be conquered because I get to choose the definition of fun and of living while I bask the glory of nothingness--of not having heavy burden to carry, no responsibilities to worry about, workload to stress out and even a life to put in proper perspective.
But I can’t truly say this is peace of mind because I continue to worry over the unusualness of my state for I know this is not balance. Because life isn’t suppose to be this way…
It’s supposed to be alive, to be vivid with action, and be filled with a sense of universal and personal purpose. Mine right now is so far from having that purpose, nor having that balance and not even having that vivre for life itself!
And suddenly, this makes me wonder, when life's boring no more, restless no more, lonely no more but comfortably still even if idle and unproductive... is it still life?
How come this is possible? Where are all the answers to never ending questions, doubts, confusions and reasons to explain everything? If there is, I hope it’ll come to me soon before I fall apart.
The longer I stay this way, the longer I’ll get stuck and the longer I’m stuck, the longer the chance for me to just prefer staying this way---forever.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Choices and Chances

I'm currently in a phase where i'm beginning to wonder why things happen and why things don't. But beyond my questions, i also see answers but i still choose to deny it because I want to justify all the bad decisions that I may have done. Below are a few quotes that i have compiled which gave me a new perspective about choices and handling the challenges of life that were outcomes of these choices.

"When we find inspiration, we need to take action for ourselves and for our communities. Even if it means making a hard choice, or cutting out something and leaving it in your past." 
Aron Ralston
"And in life, it is all about choices we make.
And how the direction of our lives comes down to the choices we choose."
Catherine Pulsifer, from HONESTY. . . A Core Value?
"In every single thing you do, you are choosing a direction.
Your life is a product of choices."
Dr. Kathleen Hall, from Alter Your Life
"Be miserable. Or motivate yourself.
Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice."
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
We all need to decide whether to "play it safe" in life and worry about the downside, or instead take a chance, by being who we really are and living the life our heart desires.
Which choice are you making?
Charlie Badenhop
"You came empty on earth, why overloaded now, where all your choices absolutely correct, is never too late to reconsider them?"
William Ngwako Maphoto
"Life is a choice - as is how you handle the pitfalls along its bumpy road."
Julie Donner Andersen,
from What My Widowed Husband Has Taught Me
"The reason man may become the master of his own destiny is because he has the power to influence his own subconscious mind."
Napoleon Hill
"I discovered I always have choices and sometimes it's only a choice of attitude."
Judith M. Knowlton

Monday, November 22, 2010

Spell-bounded by Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part1: A fantastic beginning of the end…

            Even though a little bit anxious to saying goodbye to the book series and movie franchise that I have come to love through these past years, I was still left dumbstruck by the lasting memories that “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part1” was able to draw in my mind.
            The captivating fight scenes and wand duels were done superbly plus the hilarious punch lines made it more than worthwhile to watch.
            Watching the movie on the big screen during its world-wide premiere reminisce the wonderful and spellbinding experience I felt when I first read the book a few years back.
            Although the phase was faster, the important details and points were intact in the movie.
            The story telling was superbly done enough to make me look forward to the last installation.
            Below is a short movie teaser:
Lord Voldemort's power is growing stronger. He now has control over the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts. Harry, Ron, and Hermione decide to finish Dumbledore's work and find the rest of the Horcruxes to defeat the Dark Lord. But little hope remains for the Trio, and the rest of the Wizarding World, so everything they do must go as planned. 
As Harry races against time and evil to destroy the Horcruxes, he uncovers the existence of three most powerful objects in the wizarding world: the Deathly Hallows.
Yarry’s Most Memorable Scenes/Parts/Details/Characters in the movie:
  Lord Voldemort
As usual, he still looked ruthless and cunning, Ralph Finnes was super!
 Hermione Granger
We saw her grow before our very eyes. From the thick-haired, geek muggle she now became a dignified wizard and still as brilliant as ever. Even Emma Watson just as herself looks stunning.

 Ron Weasley
Despite his obvious growth into becoming a full pledge charmer, Ronald Weasley’s undeniable humor is addictive. He did not fail to make me laugh with his funny antics.
 Dobby the House Elf (The Free Elf)
Dobby’s character was very much essential to the story. His heroism was highlighted in this movie’s climax. I can remember how he saved Harry and the rest of the gang even telling Bellatrix that he has no master and his a free elf. His unforgettable lines: “Dobby is not a slave... Dobby has no master. Dobby is here to help Harry Potter.” To Harry Potter: “Dobby is a friend.”  I Love Dobby! :D
 Harry Potter
Of course who can ever forget the lead? As usual, Daniel Radcliffe was still as awesome as ever. Now that Harry is all grown up, he makes big decisions and he decides to fight Lord Voldemort to end all the sufferings around him. It was fun to watch Harry all grown up but it’s also quite sad his tale’s about to end. L

1. The trip of Harry to the Burrows with Hagrid while others tried to lure the dementors off them through using Harry decoys with the help of Polyjuice potion--- Seeing different Harrys with different clothes (even one with a woman’s bra) was funny. But the close encounter with Lord Voldemort was a shaker and Hedwig’s death was sad. L

2. The trip of Harry, Hermione and Ron to the Ministry of Magic where they pretended to be ministry people by drinking Polyjuice potion--- Ron was hilarious in this scene especially when he lip-locked with a muggle woman who though he was her husband.  Getting the horcrux from Dolores Umbridge was not an easy feat too. The scenes were even more intense when they tried escaping from the Ministry when their real identities were revealed. They have disapparated out of the Ministry in due time but Ron got badly injured. L

3. Harry retrieved the sword of Griffindor--- This was one of the most intense scenes for me. Harry got trouble with the Horcrux on his chest when he dived almost butt naked to the frozen cold, icy water to recover the Sword of Griffidor. Thanks to his best pal Ron Weasley who came to save him in the neck of time. The apparition of Harry and Hermione making out and topless was a shocking scene as well.

4. Harry and Hermione’s trip to Godric’s Hallow--- One of the most touching scenes I’ve seen in the movie was that one when Harry went to see his mom and dad’s grave. The bond and friendship they have with Hermione is unmistakably strong, you even wish they end up together! But I guess that’s the reality of life. You can’t choose who to be with because it chooses you. The following scenes were more intense when Lord Voldemort’s basilisk attacked them after posting as the old Mathilda Bagshot.

Hermione’s magical bag--- the bag hid so many things from spell books (thick), chairs, tables, a tent, potions, clothes and so much more! It was very helpful in their journey
 Godric Griffindor’s Sword
This sword was helpful in destroying the horcrux in the necklace. This will also be an essential weapon for harry to fight Lord Voldemort
 The Deathly Hallows
This symbol was derived from the wizarding world’s myth and was composed of the three sacred objects: the Resurrection Stone, a stone with the power to bring others back to life; the Elder Wand, an unbeatable wand; and an infallible Invisibility Cloak. Harry learns that Voldemort is after the Elder Wand, but the trio decides that discovering Voldemort's Horcruxes is more important than procuring the wand for themselves.

                     Until the next and last Harry Potter movie in 2011! Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows now in theaters worldwide…